
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Krispy Kreme Kristmas

Our mid morning pick me up today was in the form of Krispy Kreme.  We have a local shop but don't go often because we get our weekly dose of Krispy Kreme at church every Sunday.  Plus its a little store and doesn't have the doughnut making apparatus that makes a trip to KK so thrilling.  But we ventured in today and found two things almost as thrilling as the hundreds of doughnuts on the conveyor belt.

#1 Adorable snowman doughnuts (not jelly filled- my kids and I aren't big fans of the fillings, doughnuts are messy enough alone, not to mention the ones with red goo oozing out of them from every angle).  Actually, I think the girls may bee happier with solid frosting doughnuts (as seen in exhibit D).

and #2  drum-roll please.......The place is actually a Krispy Kreme/Coffee Bean!  Now how I can be as big of a Coffee Bean fan as I am, and live minutes from one (inside a doughnut shop no less) without knowing is beyond me.  Who was holding out on me here?  I figured they just sold the plain old Coffee Bean coffee in Krispy Kreme cups.  But no.  I did indulge in my favorite of all time, vanilla latte.  Puts Starbucks to shame, hands down.   So thank you to the genius who brought KK to the west coast, and an ever bigger thanks to the even bigger genius who teamed up with the Bean.


  1. I wish we had one close. Those are adorable.

  2. WHAT !!!! this is the dream come true. But the belt.. the process.. the one donut that didn't flip. That's what the KK is all about.
    Leighton and I would make a great team. I will eat her donut and insides of sandwiches.
