
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just like everyone else, our lives are busy and hectic as ever this season.  Compound every Christmas rehearsal, program, recital, choir, party, etc.  with a family wide severe cold and we've had quite a month already.  I am finally coming back to the land of the living after 10 days of suffering form every cold symptom imaginable. Anyway, despite all that, we are still getting into the Christmas spirit.  Especially little Leighton.  This is the first Christmas she has been able to understand what is going on and really enjoy all the special parts of Chirstmas.  She...
- sings (okay, mouths the words) and does hand motions to Away in a Manger
- loves Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
- tells you the angel said, "Fear Not"
- tries to open packages and then says, "It was an accident"
- loves the Snow Monster form Rudolph (maybe the only 2 year old in the world who does!)
- hangs (and rehangs) ornaments like a pro, saying "oopsie doodle"  when they fall off
- says "I don't like saving them" when we tell her she has to save her presents until Christmas
- has gotten very attached to her Nutcracker doll, thus detaching his sword, arm, and various other body  parts
- said, "mommy its so, so beautiful", when she saw lights downtown for the first time

And I am beside myself this year to see the girls open their presents.  I can't wait to see their little faces light up with joy.  I don't like saving them either, Leighton!


  1. I am getting all caught up on your blog today!
    1. Leighton is right on that waiting for presents just is not any fun
    2. Ellie looks adorable
    3. You've cut coffee from the house?! Well, at least I know there is a near by Krispy Kream with a Coffee Bean that I can visit next time we are in town - and if you're cutting the caffeine, I'm glad you are not cutting the sweet drink treats :)
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  2. Oh such a doll! I love this post :) I just saw your home on Heather's blog and I just love it soo much and your love for your family shines through beautifully :) I'm happy to follow over here

  3. Okay, so the pic had me cracking up from the get go. I can totally see my 2 year old doing the same thing but when I imagined her saying Oopsie Doodle, well ... thats just all out cuteness! Thanks for sharing
