
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

two at the zoo

I love throwing birthday parties for my girls.  And typically I go all out.  My mother-in-law still teases me about Brooklyn's first birthday party and how the live ladybugs got loose in my trunk.  It was a ladybug obviously have to have live ladybugs  for a ladybug hunt right?  Themes are my thing.  Handmade invitations, unique decor, hand cut banners, coordinating paper goods, homemade cakes and cupcakes, crafted party favors, (hours on pinterest)... you get the idea.

But I really reigned myself in this time. Simplified.  And it was totally great.  For Leighton's second birthday party, we had a two at the zoo party.  Just family, smuggled picnic lunch, and simple (and somewhat smashed) funfetti cupcakes.
 Did she feel ripped off, neglected, or overlooked?  Not for a second.  She loved it.  

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Happy Birthday Little Leighton...
Oh, how I love you so.

Leighton loves...
doggies and kitties
playing  babies
having everything her big sisters have
waking up Daddy
babas and blankies
riding in her "seat car"
going to the park
socks and shoes on
lip gloss and fingernail polish
giving hugs and kisses

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

christmas 2011

 christmas eve fire gazing

true christmas story reading

 early christmas morning finding

christmas morning eating

christmas dress wearing

 christmas gift wrap tearing

cousins christmas sharing

christmas duet playing

Saturday, December 24, 2011

a very merry christmas

Hoping your Christmas is filled with the warmth of home, 
love of family, 
and blessings of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Signs of the season...
carol singing,
gift wrapping,
sweet snacking,
Christmas crafting, 
hot drink sipping,
present shopping,
party planning,
baby Jesus worshiping,
each moment relishing.

a.  I'm back into embroidery.  Talk about relaxing.  I hadn't done anything since this and this, but am currently inspired and hoping to do more.  I'm picturing stitching by the fire with a hot drink every night this week!
b.  Made several of these signs as gifts for family and friends.  Way to use that old scrapbook paper eh?
c.  More embroidery...and my latest thrift store seal...the coveted plaid thermos (actually scored 2!)
d.  Felt wreath...lots of cutting for those scallops but much faster than the yarn wrapping for sure.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just like everyone else, our lives are busy and hectic as ever this season.  Compound every Christmas rehearsal, program, recital, choir, party, etc.  with a family wide severe cold and we've had quite a month already.  I am finally coming back to the land of the living after 10 days of suffering form every cold symptom imaginable. Anyway, despite all that, we are still getting into the Christmas spirit.  Especially little Leighton.  This is the first Christmas she has been able to understand what is going on and really enjoy all the special parts of Chirstmas.  She...
- sings (okay, mouths the words) and does hand motions to Away in a Manger
- loves Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
- tells you the angel said, "Fear Not"
- tries to open packages and then says, "It was an accident"
- loves the Snow Monster form Rudolph (maybe the only 2 year old in the world who does!)
- hangs (and rehangs) ornaments like a pro, saying "oopsie doodle"  when they fall off
- says "I don't like saving them" when we tell her she has to save her presents until Christmas
- has gotten very attached to her Nutcracker doll, thus detaching his sword, arm, and various other body  parts
- said, "mommy its so, so beautiful", when she saw lights downtown for the first time

And I am beside myself this year to see the girls open their presents.  I can't wait to see their little faces light up with joy.  I don't like saving them either, Leighton!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Krispy Kreme Kristmas

Our mid morning pick me up today was in the form of Krispy Kreme.  We have a local shop but don't go often because we get our weekly dose of Krispy Kreme at church every Sunday.  Plus its a little store and doesn't have the doughnut making apparatus that makes a trip to KK so thrilling.  But we ventured in today and found two things almost as thrilling as the hundreds of doughnuts on the conveyor belt.

#1 Adorable snowman doughnuts (not jelly filled- my kids and I aren't big fans of the fillings, doughnuts are messy enough alone, not to mention the ones with red goo oozing out of them from every angle).  Actually, I think the girls may bee happier with solid frosting doughnuts (as seen in exhibit D).

and #2  drum-roll please.......The place is actually a Krispy Kreme/Coffee Bean!  Now how I can be as big of a Coffee Bean fan as I am, and live minutes from one (inside a doughnut shop no less) without knowing is beyond me.  Who was holding out on me here?  I figured they just sold the plain old Coffee Bean coffee in Krispy Kreme cups.  But no.  I did indulge in my favorite of all time, vanilla latte.  Puts Starbucks to shame, hands down.   So thank you to the genius who brought KK to the west coast, and an ever bigger thanks to the even bigger genius who teamed up with the Bean.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

tiny dancer

Its that time of year again...ballet recital quickly approaching.  Dress rehearsal down...big performance to go.  Ellie is gorgeous in her costume and bun.  A perfect ballerina.  She had a completely different demeanor wearing it.  Very proper and princess-like (despite the complaints that her tutu didn't fit in her booster seat and she was NEVER going to wear it in the car again).   She even left her hair up the whole time... which is amazing for a girl who likes to wear her hairbands on her wrists more than she does her hair. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

sallted caramel goodness

Okay, since I've recently cut the coffee around here, I've had to get creative with hot drinks.  
When I'm good, its peppermint or chamomile tea slightly sweetened with truvia.  
When I'm bad, its this...salted caramel hot chocolate.  

You need all this good stuff, and hot milk (water just wont cut it here folks). 
Warm your milk (you know your grandma would do it on the stove, stirring it the whole time, but you can nuke yours).
Mix in the cocoa mix. 
Add a few shakes of sea salt and  a few squirts of caramel.
Load it up with whipped cream. 
Repeat caramel and salt. 