
Friday, September 30, 2011

tv trays

Nearly 30 years ago (yikes), this was my TV tray.  Okay, this is one from etsy, but mine looked just like it.  And I guess technically it could be mine.  Lots of memories of this guy.  Birthday breakfast in bed... tea and toast when I was sick...  And I've been on the hunt for trays for my girls.  Of course I would prefer vintage trays like the one I had, but sensibility tells me to look elsewhere.  Like Walmart elsewhere.  And thrift stores elsewhere.  And our collection is now complete.  And I think the girls would actually prefer ones that say "Pretty Princess" and "You Go Girl" as opposed to Sesame Street, Cabbage Patch Kids, and E.T..

Not quite brave enough to to breakfast in bed but we do dinner on the floor quite well!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Never assume the lid is on tight enough...especially when she's wearing a new shirt for the first time...

Monday, September 26, 2011

got me some sugar

So...The Sug  (pronounced "shoog" you know), otherwise known as Blog Sugar, was last night.  Quite an event let me tell you.  There will never be a more unique social setting in all the world.  People knowing people they don't even know.  Recognizing people they've never even met.  And knowing details of their lives that their own mother doesn't know.  Kinda weird and freaky.  But as long as you can keep your sense of humor (which I am pretty good at), you can take it all in stride and enjoy it.  That is if you're not too busy planning a Blog Sugar Saturday Night Live skit in your head.  Everyone wearing brown boots, and either a scarf, rosette necklace, or cardigan.  And toting their DSLR camera with ruffled neck strap.  And introducing themselves as sittinprettymama or carpoolinqeen or craftinmylifeaway, because no one knows their real names are Betty, Sue, or Mary.  But all joking aside, it was a really cool evening.  Decor was simple, cute, and fun.  Food was tasty and carb-full (what, did I think there would be no sugar at blog sugar?).  Speakers were honest and transparent.  God was clearly the center and given the glory.  And... I was a winner! Yes, I won a raffle and got a bag of fabulous goodies (including that adorable necklace up top).  Now isn't that sweet?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

sister, home hair, and bubbles

I have to say, I really do have the best sister in the world (although she would argue that she does).  I could just go on and on about all she is, and all she does.  Like Friday (the day we like to spend together with the girlies), she agrees to home hair (which she has reserved ONLY for immediate family).  See, she's an incredible hair stylist and has clients begging her to work more at the salon, but she has chosen to work only a couple times a month so she can stay home with her little girls.  So since her time in the salon is limited, and I've always got at least 2 girlies in tow, I rarely get the treat of having my hair done in her salon.  More times than not, its a rushed bang trim in the bathroom, or front porch, or wherever the girls are playing at the moment.  I know home hair is not fun for her.  I'm sure she'd rather be sitting and talking, or hanging out at the park or something that's not work for her.  But still, she does it for me.  And I so appreciate it. And her.  Totally.
 So as we are completely distracted by the home hair process (Reynolds' foil, bathroom towel around the neck, sitting on the kitchen stool, rinsing hair in the shower...) this is what the girls did to entertain themselves. 
 And we didn't even stop them. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

after school art

Every couple months Brooklyn brings home a flyer in her backpack.  A flyer she is sure she wants me to see immediately.  And read immediately.  No, its not a progress report, or even a field tip permission slip.  Its an after school art class flyer.  And to a very arts-and-crafty little girl, its a dream come true.  The thought of creating something out of clay, or sand, or Tye-dyeing a shirt thrills her little soul.  Unfortunately the price never thrills mine.  So as to not completely crush her little artistic spirit, I convince her we can do our own art project just like the one at school, only better, and more, and cheaper.  Enter Michael's... her dream store (other than Dollar Tree of course).  Our latest "art classes" have been sand art and clay.  Thank you Michael's 40% coupon, and thank you still-easily-convincible-age daughter.

Monday, September 19, 2011

pink and pretty please

My two oldest girls have been sharing a room for over four years.  And they have been doing it rather well (unlike my sister and I who had masking tape down the middle of the room with "don't dare cross" scribbled on it- I'm sure they'll go there eventually though...).  For Brooklyn and Ellie, first it was a toddler bed and a crib.  Then it was a toddler bed and a pack n play (when we lived with my parents for six months).  Then back to a toddler bed and a crib.  Then two identical toddler beds.  And now finally, they are both big girls, big enough to share a bunk bed.  They had been asking for bunk beds for a while (what kids don't?) and of course Craig's list comes through again.  The new bed started the expected chain of events of reorganizing and redecorating the room. Here's what we have going now...
bunk beds- Craig's (and lucky for us it was already gray!)
dresser- Craig's (didn't get as lucky with this one and had to sand down and repaint)
doily bunting- thrifted bias tape, paper doilies, scrapbook paper scraps
jewelry box- Target
lamp shade-inspired by Shauna at The Reed Life

bedspreads- TJ Maxx (just got one in the neighborhood- booyah)
vintage hangers/girly prints- thrifted, mod-podged, and downloaded
glitter chandelier-Target dollar bin (Halloween decoration)
framed initials-inspired by Heather at Life Made Lovely
milk glass lamp- Ebay, with a little paint and some inspiration from Lindsay at The Pleated Poppy
desk- Craig's (already white!)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

new way to paint

We're always looking for new craft activities around here.  Not that we don't have an entire closet filled with supplies and unfinished projects (like mother like daughters).  But we found this great painting book at Michael's in the Dollar Bin (which I love by the way).   The girls love painting with q-tips and their own paper paint set.  A perfect activity for a group of kids at a party, VBS, or Sunday School.  So head on over to Michael's to get your own (and probably spend a heck of a lot more than a dollar while you're there- I always do.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

magic-ish bullet

Totally been into this guy lately.  Actually bought it to make slushies with the girls.  I convinced them that this was waaaaay better than going to 7-11 for a Slurpee because it would last forever (or at least until one of them spilled nearly an entire bottle of syrup-yeah blue stickiness eternal).  Anyway, they are pretty much over it, but I an not even.  I've always wanted a magic bullet.  Okay really I've wanted a Vita-mix ever since the demo at the fair 10 years ago where they made ice cream and soup in the thing.  At least a blender than can make a smoothie without leaving golf ball sized ice chunks when its done.  Not able to justify the $50 price tag however when I have a "perfectly good" blender sitting in the kitchen already.  But who could refuse that ever-eye-catching orange tag?  Look a little closer...
That's right folks, $9.99.  I saved myself big bucks here (I know, I know, I didn't save a penny, I spent $9.99 plus tax, but you get the idea).  And let me tell you, this guy will give the bullet a run for his money.   2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, one cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 3 packs of truvia (its a bit much I know but its pretty hard to overcome the nasty protein powder flavor), 1/2 banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter.  Breakfast delight thanks to Slushie express. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

rub a dub dub...

...three girls in the tub.  Okay they aren't usually quite this scrunched...I had them scooch together for the picture, but I have noticed there is less and less room in the tub these days.  I have been bathing all three of them at the same time since Leighton was a newborn.  Partly to contain them all, partly to get the job done quickly, and partly because of all the fun they have together.  Bubble snowcones, Santa's beard, tea parties, birthday presents wrapped in washcloths, get the bubbly-est contests, silly hair-dos, squirt gun fights, and occasional immediate evacuations due to floating poo poos (not so fun for the one who has to fish them out though). 

Monday, September 12, 2011


It is absolutely amazing to watch this little one's personality develop.  She is such a unique individual already.

She is the only one in the family who calls Ellie "Ellison", and its always in a very loud voice followed by... "Where are you?"

She has no fight or flight instincts.  When she gets scared, she simply hits the deck.  And has been known to lie down flat on her face in the middle of a playground if a loud plane or mower passes by.

She could live on a diet of milk and fruit snacks.  And Barney.

We call her a little parrot because she repeats the last 2 or 3 words of literally everything we say.

She definitely inherited the Spross trait of proper annunciation (that is if you don't count her singing Happy Death Day to you...)

She has really taken to hiding and has outsmarted Mommy several times (she is a silent statue behind the curtains I tell you)

Her favorite thing to say is "Awkward"

She always knows when she's had enough of something and immediately says, "I'm done, put it away."  And it must go back exactly where it belongs too.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the necessity or significance in looking back to events in the past.  I guess the urgency of the present overshadows the past for me.  There are some things I naturally look back on, but for the most part I'm a "move ahead'  kind of girl.  I know this can't be right though.  There is so much that we can learn form the past experiences in others lives' as well as our own.  I was reminded at church today that God often called His people to remember.  To remember the things He had brought them through, and the way He displayed His faithfulness over the ages.  This video made me realize that remembering is significant and important because it gives purpose, brings gratitude, strengthens community, provides prospective, and reignites hope.  And most importantly, looking back is a  reminder of God's faithfulness to us.

linkin' up with katie here...

Friday, September 9, 2011

the night the nlights went out in...

Yesterday afternoon, I was convinced that I had blown the breaker having multiple fans, computer, TV, and my kickin' AC unit all on at the same time.  But in reality, I wasn't the only one whose plug got pulled.  Last night we, along with 6 million other San Deigans, lost all power for the afternoon and evening.  And I'm talking ALL POWER.  Imagine the far reaching effects that has on life around here.  No stop lights, limited phone service, no internet, no restaurants, stores, nada.  And as I mentioned earlier this week its been pret-ty hot around there parts as well.  But lucky for us, we were able to stay home, swim, cook on our gas stove, and brush teeth and read stories by candlelight.  Back to simpler times.  Kinda felt like we were camping in our own home.   My only concern was that I would loose my new tub of jalapeno yogurt dip (which you absolutely must try!) that we just purchased form Costco and my frozen yogurt.  Not to worry though, we were warned the outage may last into today, but the lights came back on around midnight (I seriously woke up thinking, "who turned on the lights at this hour?") and all was well.  Including yogurt dip and  frozen yogurts.  Plus Brooklyn got a free day off school. 

reading Pollyanna by book light

and darkness covered the land...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

mind tricks you won't mind

9:00 pm is my indulgent hour.  Long day nearly over... kiddos finally all asleep... kitchen cleaned (at least partially)...time to wind down and reward myself.  My reward of choice lately in this blasted heat is something cold...icy creamy ice cream what a treat (as Barney would sing).  But unfortunately, this has been the month of denying my flesh its need desire for the sweet stuff.  So in order to give in a little, but not too much, I've tried a self control/mind trick tactic that I learned from a friend (who may be the queen of mind tricks).  If you must indulge...small bowl (like 1/2 cup small), very small spoon (like 1/4 tsp very small), and eat it very slowly.  You have just tricked your mind into thinking you've eaten a large Cold Spoon ice cream with 3 mixins.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

it's hot!

Well, so much for summer being over.  We got a serious heat wave this week.  Serious enough to send us to Costco tonight to buy a window AC unit for our bedroom (now why we didn't do that sooner I'll never know- maybe when we get the first electric bill I'll know).  Serious enough to make Brooklyn strip down to her undies the second she walked in the door from school.  Serious enough to give Ellie sweaty bangs all day.  And serious enough to send this little one running around the house "bunsie".  Totally reminded me of a Shel Silverstein poem (of whom I was a huge fan in elementary school).  Goes like this...

It's hot!
I can't get cool,
I've drunk a quart of lemonade.
I think I'll take my shoes off
And sit around in he shade.

It's hot!
My back is sticky,
the sweat rolls down my chin.
I think I'll take my clothes off
And sit around in my skin.

It's hot!
I've tried with 'lectric fans,
And pools and ice cream cones.
I think I'll take my skin off
And sit around in my bones.

It's still hot!

(Now if you've read A light in the Attic as many times as I have you can totally picture a guy in only his bones sweating in front of a fan- in typical Silverstein illustration-love it!)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Labor Day
We braved the beach
thinking we would be fighting crowds,
hunting for parking,
and vying for a spot on the sand.
we had the whole place to ourselves,
fought raindrops,
and donned sweatshirts.
Farewell summer, 
you'll be missed,
see you next year.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

snails aint just for boys

I guess this is what you do when you live in the city and have a 6 by 6 foot yard.  No tadpolin', fishin' or crawdaddin' for these city girls.  It's just snailin'.  And you've got to get out early so you can beat the heat.  So its okay if you're still in your jammies.  Totally acceptable snailin' attire.  They like to hide in the bushes so you've got to get low to find 'em. And you should have a bucket handy to keep 'em in.  And be careful, they may be slow, but they're known to sneak out unexpectedly.  And whatever you do, don't let your little sister get the salt, no matter how she begs for it, or your snailin' days may be over.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Take a good look at this beauty.  And realize I have had almost nothing to do with how amazing it looks.  My mom bought it.  My mom delivered it.  My mom waters it weekly.  All I do is enjoy it.  I did not inherit my mother's green thumb.  Mine is black apparently.  Please note the little guy in the back.  Now that, I am responsible for.  Looks pretty good too right?  But, I must confess...this is my third attempt at keeping anything alive in that pot.  The two previous residents (both beautiful succulents at one time) bit the dust.  My thought was putting it near a thriving plant would give it the encouragement it needed to grow big and strong, and mostly just live.  I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


First spelling test ever.  Definitely not the last.  The bar had been set...high.  And according to Dad great spelling runs in the family.  Obviously on his side. Which you would know if you've been reading my blog for any amount of time.  I like to blame the majority of my spelling errors on my inability to type.  I believe I know how to spell it, but it doesn't come out quite right when my fingers start flying.  Like right now, I had to go back and correct like 5 words...already... and I barely even wrote a paragraph.  Anyhoo, a big double thumbs up to Brooklyn who has mastered at least one word mommy can't seem to ever type correctly.  That's right folks,  #10- its a toughie for us non typers- or is it typists?  Whatever.

the the the the the the the the the the the the teh (whoops) the the the ...don't mind me I'm just practicing