
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Leighton in Big Bear

loved spotting ice and pine cones...
was the only child who wanted to walk on the hike...
was constantly afraid of falling and would freeze and yell, "Mommy I'm falling!' on the slightest incline...
slept with her big sisters for the first time...
held her own with Jeremiah (we're expecting another 4 years for them to become friends too)...

1 comment:

  1. (tongue in cheek) Seriously, Erin. Your Leighton was so unruly and must have been all her fault that Jeremiah was so vicious an aggressive...

    ...or maybe they're just working out their deep feelings of love and affection for each other they best way a 2 year old knows how: "whack! mine! no!"

    ;) Looking forward, God willing, to their 4-year old fling!
