Thursday, March 29, 2012
I love to watch these two together. Most of the time they are just doing their own thing side by side, but when they get going, they love to play together. Babies is their number one choice, followed by doctor.
Ellie has a particular voice she talks to Leighton in. Its super enthusiastic, crouched down in her face. Always increasing in enthusiasm and ending with an exclamation point. She loves her baby sister incredibly. Not that she won't raise her voice to her every now and then..."Leighton Olivia!"- again with an exclamation point.
Leighton also is becoming known for a particular voice...the scream. Instead of coming to find someone to help her, she screams at the top of her lungs until she gets assistance. My baby is stuck, I need my blankie, I want juice in my baba, I want to watch a movie...all at extreme decibel levels. She must know you have to be loud to be heard when you're the littlest sister.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The other day I overheard a conversation between Leighton and Woody.
It went something like this...
"Rise and shine Woods! We've got a big day ahead of us!"
I adore her enthusiasm, imagination, and ability to abreev.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
easter craftin'
I've got a new(ish) blog on my blogroll lately that you need to check out. It is a collaboration of amazing women who share about life, growth, God, food, kids, name it. I love the variety I find from post to post, and am always encouraged by the talented bloggers who share there. Its called Beautifully Rooted. Anyway, yesterday this post inspired me to make these adorable mason jar Easter baskets. Super easy, super fast, super cute. And I already had all the supplies I needed. Except for the chocolate bunnies. Which would have never made it though the crafting process anyway.
And I think this may be a world record. Two crafts pinned and created on the same day.
Can you believe it?!?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Some changes in life happen so slowly,
we don't even realize they've taken place.
Other changes happen right before our eyes,
allowing us to observe metamorphosis first hand.
From tiny larvae sent in the mail,
to hairy caterpillars spinning silk
and growing plump overnight,
to iridescent hanging chrysilides,
gently paced in a new home
to leave behind what they once were
and take on a completely new identity,
emerging as new creatures
far more amazing and beautiful
than they ever were before.
fly little butterfly, fly
and the one we worried about,
thought might not make it,
the one with the misshapen cocoon,
the bent antennae,
was the fastest flyer of all.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Leighton in Big Bear
loved spotting ice and pine cones...
was the only child who wanted to walk on the hike...
was constantly afraid of falling and would freeze and yell, "Mommy I'm falling!' on the slightest incline...
slept with her big sisters for the first time...
held her own with Jeremiah (we're expecting another 4 years for them to become friends too)...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Ellie in Big Bear
asked "Are we almost there?" 1,000 times on the drive up...
loved these boots (I think it was the easy on- easy off zippers!)...
lead the family on several wilderness expeditions...
finally befriended Liam (after 4 years of rivalry)...
rode in the baby backpack when her legs got tired...
was very relieved to miss the big storm on the way home.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Brooklyn in Big Bear
sadly got to ditch 2 days of school...
spent the most time out of everyone in the "snow"...
made an absolutely perfect snowball...
taught the little ones how to make and throw snowballs...
made up the game 'Duck, Duck, Ice'...
insisted Daddy carry her half way home on the hike...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
insta week
new snack of choice around here.
go get yourself some now.
first costco for the dip, then tj's for the chip.
found this tidbit of happiness on the back of brooklyn's timed test.
life is full of rainbows.
big cousins.
little cousins.
ellie is hanging up the ballet slippers... for now
old school movie night.
vhs aladdin.
still know all the words to all the songs.
impressed the girls.
flower love from leighton.
every found flower is unquestionable a gift for mommy.
love that girl.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Leighton's "fings"
Leighton is going through a major stuffed animal/character phase right now. She refers to them as her "stuff" or her "fings" (things). They must all be with her at nap time and bedtime and then carried downstairs when she wakes up (quite a handful let me tell you). They currently include a stuffed Woody, Buzz Lightyear, cheetah beanie baby, Snoopy, soft baby, baby doll, and Molly Dolly. I have no idea what caused her to adopt these particular things out of the basket of dozens, but they are obviously near and dear to her little heart. Of course she loves all her "fings" the same (like all good mommies do) but her special favorite today is her "baby sister Woody".
Friday, March 2, 2012
After checking the mailbox every day for over a month, the long awaited package arrived.
Watching her run each day to the mailbox, heart full of anticipation...
and then return, shoulders slumped and empty handed was breaking my heart.
But, she didn't give up.
She knew it would come
(Even if it meant mom had to call and reorder the shipment which was apparently lost in the mail).
So she is now the proud owner of 5 caterpillars.
(2 of which are guaranteed to to become beautiful butterflies soon).
She named them all Vanessa, after their scientific name.
She has asked to take them to the dinner table, school, and on our vacation to the mountains.
So far they reside on the counter. With a tight lid.
She is thrilled.
And by the looks of it, absolutely adores her newest pets.