
Monday, February 13, 2012


Valentime's Day is almost here (I love it when kids call it that)!  Not wanting to add to the truckloads of sugar the kids get, I picked up these pencils (and some cute boy's ones too) from the dollar bin at Target.  10 pencils for a buck.  Whipped up a little note with some cute fonts from (hundreds of free fonts folks), and there you go.  There are so many cute valentine ideas out there this year (thank you pinterest).  Here are some of my faves...

Happy V Day everyone!


  1. LOVE the font! I saw someone do the fishbowl one with Goldfish crackers--I wish I would have been more organized this year. Alas, none of the babies in Avonlea's class will care one way or another.


  2. Yea wish we were more on top of it. Everyone in Ruby's class gets a Tangled one with a free tattoo, 36 for a buck at the dollar store.

  3. Love them all. My boys love picking out the store bought ones....sigh.

  4. Such cute ideas! Love them. My older son (5) and I worked together with my digital scrapbooking software to design a card to give to his friends. It turned out pretty cute-- but nothing like these! :)
