
Friday, February 24, 2012

coffee cake

She hasn't let me down yet.  PW continues to deliver in the scrumptious recipes department.  And this week, she came through again.  The best coffee cake. Ever, she calls it.  And it was good.  Although mine didn't turn out exactly like hers.  Maybe it had to do with the fact that I did a 2/3 recipe and I wasn't sure how long to cook it.  Do you ever do that?  Not have enough ingredients for a full recipe.  I was short on butter this time.  And seriously would have felt weird making a breakfast dish with 3 sticks of butter.  2 sticks seemed much more doable right?!?  Usually I would half it (much less math), but halving 3 eggs would be a chore so I busted out my 6th grade math brain and did a little fraction work.   The coffee cake brought me back to college days.  Saturday mornings the caf always served coffee cake.  Many a Saturday my girlfriends were running off campus to get bagels and I was stuck with my man eating bowls and bowls of cereal and coffee cake in the caf.  

PS- While we're on the subject of PW...You've got to read this post.  Not only odes she deliver in the scrumptious recipe department, she kills it in the laugh at yourself humor department.