
Friday, January 20, 2012

This week....

This week...I took the plunge and started tackling the alphabet with Ellie (and Leighton too I guess).  I realize each day how different my girls are and how I need to respond to their unique needs in different ways.  Brooklyn teaches herself.  Ellie needs someone to teach her (in very short segments!).  We had great success and (remarkably) she is looking forward to next week and letter B.

This week... Leighton got her 2 year old shots.  Probably the only 2 year old in history to tell the nurse,  "Ouch that is hurting me," when she gave her the injection.

This week... we ventured to the mall for a new watch battery (aka: excuse to get froyo and peruse H & M and  forever 21.) 


This week... this continued to grow on the pinterest charts to number 7005 (repins that is).  Yowza!

This week... we got a care package form Tennessee that included this Hello Kitty wonder.  Love it.  And love the grandma who made it too!

This week... I added to my girly books collection.  Little House on the Prairie- love the blue binding.  I think we'll get to that one this summer. 

This week...our marble in the jar incentive continued.  I finally found something that will get Brooklyn to play the piano.   That girl thrives on positive reinforcement.  And the funny thing is, I never mentioned what she'd get when she fills the jar.  Just filling it is enough for her I guess.


  1. good luck with your journey through the alphabet. i started this earlier this fall with my little ones if you need any fun idea...sooooooo much fun to plan, do, photograph and look back on! We are on N...1/2 way through!

  2. I think it is something with the oldest and the middle. Your description of your girls is just like Luke and Charlie. I love how you are teaching the letter "A".
