
Monday, January 9, 2012

blowin' up

I had to change my Pinterest email notifications today.  Why, you ask?  Well, when you have it set to notify you when someone likes or repins your pin, and you are pinned 1826 times and liked 594 times, it creates a bit of an email backup.   That many people like this?  Something I made?  Wow!  It is seriously blowing me away.  And it is a perfect example of exponential growth.  10 pins one day, 50 the next, then 100...and over 500 just today!  I'm actually wondering when it will stop.  And also how I can capitalize on this new found popularity... ideas?


  1. It links to your blog right? Has your blog seen more hits? You could download some blog apps that create a buzz around your blog. Do a give a way? etc. mh

  2. did you see the comment about the grammar? Oh brother. I think you should sell, sell, sell...
    And if you would like ..sell on RDD !!!

  3. That's crazy!!! Congratulations!!! You really need to start thinking what you are going to do with those two crafty hands!!!
