
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Busy and overwhelmed lately.  One of those weeks where I'm doing another 6 loads of laundry when last week's isn't even put away yet.  But alas, I stop and retreat from the craziness of life to type and ponder.    Lately...
Forced into letting go of two of my coke and coffee.  Seriously, if you know me at all, you know this is huge.  Reason?  A mad bladder.  I guess all those years of filling the thing with acid, carbonation, caffeine and artificial sweeteners have caught up to me.  And you know the pain must be bad to turn my back on my two faves.  Will it be betcha.  

Working on a little Bday present for Brett.  Its a not-so-extreme-office-makeover.  On a major budget.  He wanted something cool.  I told him I'd do it up man-thropologie style.  More to come...

And speaking of Anthro... saw these beauties in the store today.  Going to try to make them for the church Christmas brunch.  Now who in their right mind would pay $38 for one of these?  Seriously people, it is a jar.  A very lovely jar, but a jar none the less.  I'm estimating I can do it under $3 a pop.  Now that's more like it. 

Also... been working on an incredibly exciting project for next week.  All I can say is...wake up from your turkey coma and check the blog next Thursday.   


  1. Make sure whatever you buy is waterproof. I thought mine were, but the trees I put in mine are turning the water green! Other than that it was simple!

  2. Erin, maybe you can stair-step down to one of the baby DCs. The 7.5 ouncers. Those are what I've been drinking.


  3. I can't wait to see how the studio turns out for Brett. So far, I love what you have.

  4. Oh, getting through all the craziness without the favs can't be easy. Yay cranberry juice! :)
