
Monday, August 8, 2011

paper dolls

 Meet Betsy and Barbara McCall...

view their adorable wardrobes...

get them ready for a big party...

send them off in vintage style.

I guess Barbie dolls may have been what knocked paper dolls off their stands.  They just aren't treasured or played with like they used to be.  I picture little girls in the 50's and 60's spreading out the wardrobes and gently bending the tabs to dress their fragile dolls in outfits they dreamed about wearing themselves.  Yes, unfortunately paper dolls may have fallen by the wayside over the years, but what little girl can't resist these adorable paper dolls?  And you can download a ton of these Besty McCall dolls for FREE (the downloading is free, but the printer ink may cost you a small fortune).  

Anyway, this weekend we ran out our printer ink making dolls and dresses for the girls to play with.  These are the ones Brooklyn chose (and cut out all by herself!). Pretty cute right?  I have no pictures to post of Ellie's because of all the mutilation and amputation that occurred to her dolls.  What do I expect considering this is the same girl who earlier that day brought me a legless Ken doll and said, "Mommy I forgot to play gentle again, and broke his legs off."? Maybe its actually rough and tumble four-year-olds who knocked paper dolls off their stands.


  1. These are so cute! I have a few paper dolls for my daughter, but how great that you can get these for free (mostly)! Thanks for the link!

  2. how sweet! thanks for sharing the information.. that is something me & my little girl will be for sure doing. :) have a blessed monday! ♡

  3. this so sweeeeet! i love them! better go stock up in cartridge ink so i can pretend to print them for ella when everyone knows i'm printing um for ME!

  4. I loved my paper dolls. I think I had a Princess Di one and some others. Thanks for sharing the download link :)

  5. i always loved playing with paper dolls as a sweet!

  6. Very cute! I'll have to print some out for my daughter and to send to our sponsored's hard to find things we're allowed to send, and I think these would be perfect! Stopping by from Life Made Lovely...feel free to visit

  7. Those are the sweetest things ever!

  8. If only our own wardrobe were that easy to create...but rainy days may be troublesome ;)
