
Monday, August 15, 2011

inspired by...

If you've spent any time browsing Pinterest, (come on now, don't deny the hours of your life it has consumed) you've most likely seen this...

so very lovely isn't it?

And if you are one of the thousands of fans of Ashley Ann, you may have also seen this...

again, so lovely

Well, I was inspired by these to create a little something similar for our home.  Most of the time I'm on my own in my hair-brained ideas, but I actually employed Brett for part of this one (I may be skilled at the electric sander and power drill, but I'm still a bit wary of the power saw!)  I picked up the wood from Home Depot (in the garden center of all places, apparently its some sort of landscape wood).  Perfectly thin and weathered and less than 2 bucks for an 8 foot piece.  My skill saw man cut it into 6 pieces and used a scrap to glue them together on the back.  I painstakingly cut out all the letters (someday maybe lucky enough to get one of those high fallotin' cutters) and mod-podged them on.  

A nice little reminder of what who the real priorities in my home are.


  1. What a good job you did...I'm impressed with the fact you cut all those letter out by hand! I don't think mine would look as nice if I tried it, but I don' own one of those fancy cutting machines, either...

  2. Holy smokes, I am in love.


  3. Love this! I'm doing subway art in our master bedroom. I had to ask Kev if he was willing to pitch in because I know it is going to require some "man help". Your's looks great!

  4. Those are amazing! Might actually be something I could copy!

  5. This looks awesome! ... I love the quote you used!

  6. Oh my these are gorgeous! Lovely rather:)

  7. I'm clapping in my head... bravo. I LOVE it. Its not the first project Brett has helped with. He also has been known to help with a little sewing business that I happen to know about.
