
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

crafting lately

The actual expression of my craftiness comes and goes in seasons.  I usually always have an idea (or ten) buzzing around in my head but with so may other pressing things on my plate (for instance, 2 of 3 girls with pink eye today), I rarely have time to get them out.  But when I get started... somebody stop me!  Its like a crafting cyclone.  I craft up a storm, and my sewing room (and the rest of the house lots of times) looks like its been hit by a tornado.  So here's some of the latest storm that's been brewing...

My chalk board now bears the fruits of the spirit (I wish all I had to do was pin some flags on myself to do the same!).  Oh to have more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

 And another reminder to LOVE...inspired by this.

Hanging together in the entryway (can you really call it that if its in the center of a room?) with a lovely letter "S"- made from some scrap wood, full page sticky label and spray paint.  And let me warn you we are still in the eye of the storm...more to come.


  1. I like the hoop art. I have a few of these in my mind I would like to do. Bring on the storm.

  2. Sorry to hear about the pink eye. That's never fun. I super love the S. Where did you get the sticky label and how did you give it the distressed look? I've been wanted to do an S for our staircase wall that I'm slowly putting together but I like yours better than what I was thinking of. I'd like to give it a try. I'll give you full credit! : )

  3. I love the bunting and the hoop art and well, the S. Well Done!
