
Friday, December 10, 2010

Gingerbread Fam

It started off as a gingerbread man craft (more to come on that later...) and ended up with Brooklyn insisting we make real gingerbread men.  I was afraid she would be disappointed when she realized they taste very different from the sugar cookies she is used to making and decorating.  But when she couldn't stop eating the dough, I knew we had a fan of the spicy sweet gingerness on our hands.  Ellie on the other hand licked off all the frosting and after taking a couple bites said, "Let's make cookies that taste good next time, Mom."  Classic.  Anyway, if you want to try to create your own, here's the recipe ( I just made a 1/2 batch).  The only problem I had was that several of the men lost their heads or  lower torsos because they were so soft, but I think they taste much better soft.  So if you are going to make them for just decorating and not really eating, cook them a bit longer. 

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