
Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yesterday marked my halfway point to 70.   Yes, that's right the big 35.  Started it off with a bang and feasted on these delicious chocolate chip pancakes with bananas- thanks to Brett.  I absolutely love the Happy Birthday mug and plate.  I saw them in a boutique in Arizona last year for an arm and a leg and somehow resisted.  Only a couple months later I found them at Home Goods- gotta love that place- for a fraction of the cost.  Too bad for me the first time I used the mug I broke the handle off.  Major disappointment but nothing super glue can't handle-no pun intended.  I also got to go to lunch with my mom, grandma, and sister- something that never happens.  Amy spoiled me with Sees chocolates and an Anthro gift card- which I promptly spent on some stunning skinny jeans. 
So how do I fell about being 35?  Well, the realization that I'm now closer to 50 than I am to 20 is a big shocker to me.  20 doesn't seem that long ago.  So does that mean 50 will be here before I know it?  50 is old right?   Well, enough of that...I would say my life is where I pictured it to be at this point in so many ways.  And I am so content with my life as a now middle aged woman.  It doesn't mean I will be going to Josh Groban concerts, working out at Curves, or wearing mom jeans however.

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